Obedience is interesting isn’t it? Our next yes to Jesus could be small things that seem inconsequential to us BUT He asked us for a reason. He trusts you with the seemingly little assignment for a reason. Then other times our yesses are scary and could lead us to places we never wanted to be…
A Plea for the Anxious Christian – Please Hear This Healthy Brothers and Sisters
This is a repost from two years ago. As we head into the holidays, it’s time to bring it back. <3 As I come up on the one year anniversary of When My Mind Winds Up – my second book turns one on Valentine’s Day; and, as I simultaneously co-teach a discipleship class on Jennie…
Does God Make the Most of Every Opportunity?
As I was praying this morning… As I was praying this morning during my drive to work as a pastor at a local church, I remembered my friend Jodi Detrick posted on FB that she was off to speak at an event and as she always does, she asked that we’d pray for her and…
Matthew 18:8
So if your hand or foot causes you to stumble or sin, cut it off and throw it away. It’s better to enter eternal life with only one hand or one foot than to be thrown into eternal fire with both of your hands and feet. So if your money causes you to be greedy…
Power Up
Do you ever get fed up with yourself “Ugh! I’ve done it again! I’m such a failure! I am too weak and therefore will never be effective for God or any call He places on my life…..” If we’re all honest, we’ve all proclaimed something similar to ourselves whether audibly or thoughtfully in a moment…
When God Speaks – it’s Enough
In the last 4 to 5 months, I’ve been going through a huge personal battle. The kind that could derail my biggest hopes and dreams. At the beginning of it, I had a word spoken over me. Now, when words are spoken over me (which isn’t often), I always kinda put it on a shelf…
I Don’t Have What it Takes to be a Christ Follower
Oh yes you do. And every time you get to know Him, you gain more. Every time you obey Him, you prove your relationship. Every time your mind is renewed in the process of the first two points, you gain His precious promises. “His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to…
Brokenness and Belonging
We’re all broken. We can all belong. Brokenness and belonging. Who says who is broken and who can belong? One person may say they follow Christ and believe another person lives in sin because of their sexual preferences. That other person may say they follow Christ and believe the first person lives in sin because…
How Do I Know I’m Maturing in Christ? Your 3 Best Yesses
Obedience Proves the Relationship So, how do I know I’m maturing in Christ? In other words, how do I know I’m being discipled or becoming a disciple? The answer is easy to grasp but sometimes hard to apply. The answer is obedience or saying your next best yes to Jesus. Though there is much more…
Stand in the Gap
When you don’t have enough faith, I’ll have enough for both of us. Here, Take Mine My friend, Dyan, and I have often shared our parenting journeys with each other. One time she was telling me when one of her kiddos was struggling with their faith and she said to them something along the lines…