As I was praying this morning…
As I was praying this morning during my drive to work as a pastor at a local church, I remembered my friend Jodi Detrick posted on FB that she was off to speak at an event and as she always does, she asked that we’d pray for her and the precious people she’d be speaking to. The Holy Spirit, being as cool and obliging as He is brought this to mind and so I began to pray. It went something like…
“Lord, be with these ladies as they gather together to hear the word you’ve given them through Jodi and worship you. It is no secret or surprise that when we are intentional about getting together in a specific time and place away from the every day ordinary, that special time and intentional space is purposely cultivated for you to meet them where they’re at and the stage is set for great things. I pray and know that by your Holy Spirit, you’ll make the most of this opportunity to meet with them.” Then, I paused…
What is it to make the most of every opportunity?
What an interesting phrase – make the most of this opportunity. Why of course God would make the most of this opportunity. What a funny thing for me to say, I thought! I mean He’s the one that endeavors that we should make the most of every opportunity through Paul in Ephesians 5:15-16. We’re told to be wise and not unwise, making the most of every opportunity because the days are evil. I always assumed that this meant to stay sharp and alert and make the best decisions with the time we’re given and with the opportunities that present themselves. Meaning if I’m given an opportunity to go to Disneyland, I’m gonna make the most of that joyous trip and not squander it …OR…if I get a chance to talk to someone who doesn’t know Jesus, I’m gonna do my best to represent Him well! Make the most of every opportunity.
But it occurred to me, how Does God make the most of every opportunity? I’m convinced that He does – that it comes naturally to Him or He wouldn’t command us to do so. But what does it look like for Him? We might assume that in an instance like Jodi speaking at a conference where women are gathered and expectant for a move of God that healings would happen, or Holy Spirit baptism would occur. AND if those don’t occur, does that mean that God didn’t make the most of the opportunity we gave Him to meet with us?
Time Redemption
According to, make the most of every opportunity literally means “redeem the time.” We are all given an equal amount of time each day. How we use it determines its value. When we redeem the time for Christ, we place the utmost value upon it. Every minute we use to share our faith in Christ is of priceless, eternal value.
I love that. Redeem the time. Oh, we know that God does that! He’s in the business of redemption. As far as time goes, we even know that Peter tells us “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” That’s God redeeming time. He tarries in His return to give us all a chance. We may look at a current circumstance and think God should get to work and make the most of it! God sees things differently. He’s so patient and kind with us.
I have no doubt that Jodi’s conference with these fine ladies is gonna go so well and be so fruitful. God is gonna make the most of this precious opportunity with so many ladies He loves so much and even if what they expect to happen doesn’t, I know that groundwork is being laid by a patient harvester who anticipates a great harvest!
He knows what He’s doing. His redemption game is strong.