Obedience is interesting isn’t it? Our next yes to Jesus could be small things that seem inconsequential to us BUT He asked us for a reason. He trusts you with the seemingly little assignment for a reason.
Then other times our yesses are scary and could lead us to places we never wanted to be and we end up upset and confused. Yet He trusted YOU. YOU were given the assignment.
This morning I wondered about King David. Maybe he was perfectly happy being a shepherd boy. Perhaps he was content and dreaming of THAT future. Surely facing a giant and then being chosen by God to…let’s be honest… run and hide from Saul for YEARS wondering how much longer he had to live wasn’t how he thought his life would go. But God chose HIM. Trusted HIM. The warrior and king inside David awakened. A man after God’s own heart came to be! All David did was obey.
Keep saying yes to Jesus, friend. He trusts YOU
for this thing
at this time.
His end game is good. He trusted you. You need to trust Him. I mean come on! Wake up! Be in awe! The God of the universe trusted YOU with the assignment! How cool is that?