There’s something I especially love about social media. And, if you’re a Christian that’s lived a lot of life before social media became so prevalent, I’d love to hear your opinion on what I’m about to share to see if your experiences were similar. But what I love is this…..people ARE watching. Haha! I know…
The Proof’s in Obedience
What’s the Deal with obedience? What is it exactly? Why do I need it? What should I do about it? Oh! I’m so glad you asked – because I have the answer! Obedience is proof of your relationship with God! Obedience is the practical application of love for and trust in God. Obedience proves the…
Will God Reject Me? A Lesson in Full Obedience
*originally posted at Whoa! Last night I was reading my Daily Bible Reading Plan that we do as a church body in the YouVersion Bible App, and let’s just say, that although I was laying in bed at the time, I knocked right down onto my tushy! Geez Louise! I was reading 1 Samuel…
Every Woman’s Struggle: Self Care or Self Medicate?
*original version posted at If you raised your eyebrows at the title, good… you should! Do we self care or self medicate? It’s a real issue that I refuse to ignore. However, I will say that I’m referring to the socially acceptable ways to self medicate. Are those ways any better for us? I’ll…
Feeling Toxic?
*Guest post by Sharlon Cummings When my heart was grieved and I was pierced within, I was senseless and ignorant; I was a brute beast before You.” Psalm 73:21-22 Have you ever been called “toxic”? Now, that’s a word that has gained popularity in recent years. No one likes being called toxic. No one. It’s…
I Just Figured Out Who I Am
Now, hold up. This isn’t one of those self discovery – I’m finally me posts. I just finally realized who I am in a story; a story many of us have heard many times. The story goes like this: First and Lasts “For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early…
How Much Faith Do I Need? 3 Signs You Have Enough
* originally posted at Life and Limb Blog We often hear when going through hard things phrases like “just have enough faith” or “simply believe.” We might hear “don’t lose faith” or “keep the faith;” but, what is faith and how do I know I have what it takes? I don’t know about you but…
Easily Devoted – Your Guide to Living Out Acts 2:42 Easily
*originally posted at Life and Limb Blog I don’t know about you, but when it comes to doing well in life, I like good, easy, practical suggestions. If you heard Pastor Aaron’s message on March 14 about how we can be contributors during our What’s Next series, you heard him talk a lot about Acts…
Mature Generosity – How Chucky Cheese taught me a lesson
When I was young – like elementary school aged – I don’t even remember how old, I was hanging out at a Chucky Cheese with my family and some other friends and adults. I remember using tokens to play the games and things. At some point I wanted to take a break from playing so…
How to Choose a Church – 4 MUST Haves
*originally posted at In this post, we are going to look at how to choose a church by looking at 4 unique and biblical components. So, God has recently opened your heart, or you’ve finally decided to go back to church after a hiatus, or you’re simply curious and have always wondered what church…