“To belong, you have to be missed. There’s something really, really important about that. People need to long for you, to want you to be there. When you’re not there, they should go looking for you.“ Put on Notice The above quote is something I read recently and can’t remember where I pulled it from….
Love Them Where They’re At
“I’m point blank telling you this: love one another. Exactly as I have loved you, you gotta love others just like that” (John 13:34) *Jen Version Love Hurts “Love Hurts” most famously performed by Nazareth rings through my melancholic, melodic thoughts right now: Love hurts, love scarsLove wounds and marksAny heartNot tough or strong enoughTo…
I feel like most of us have some indication of what our abilities are. If you think back to when you were a kid, you’re favorite thing to “play” or favorite subject in school or favorite place to go..all point to how God’s gifted you. There is no other time in your life like when…
Living a Life Marked by Love
The following is the final chapter of my new book coming out with co-author, Megan Monterrosa. Follow #helpimsaved to stay in the know. Introductory Thoughts: I want to make it clear that this book is not meant to be rules and regulations you must follow to hold on to your salvation. There is no formula…
Volunteering – Blech! How to Turn it Around
The volunteering realm of Church life has always been an interesting thing. Most every Church goer and Christ follower has done it, few do it in on going rhythms and almost every Church leader can’t figure out why they can’t get more volunteers and retain them. I’d like to use this piece to speak to…
Praying in Jesus’ Name is Not a Secret Formula
Do you end your prayers by declaring “in the name of Jesus”? Or some variation thereof? Why? What are you accomplishing when you do that? Some may say “well, I’m declaring the power of Jesus as my right to have my prayer answered because of what He’s done on the cross” and I’d say they’re…
How Can a Christian Cultivate a Closer Relationship with the Lord in Practical Ways on a Daily Basis?
Renowned Pastor, Rick Warren, said, “Real security can only be found in that which can never be taken from you – your relationship with God.” So, such a quote begs the question – how can a Christian cultivate a closer relationship with the Lord in practical ways on a daily basis? I believe it takes…
Does the Word, “NEW” Excite You?
*original version posted at womendevotions.com It’s a new day. Brand new. As good as new. Better than new. What’s new with you? He makes all things new. A New life In Christ. If you haven’t guessed yet, this article has to do with new. New, as defined in the dictionary, is: New: not existing before;…
Let me invite you into what goes through my mind when I read a passage of scripture:
Acts 11 (my reactions/thoughts in BOLD) WE ARE ALWAYS LEARNING. WE THINK WE KNOW WHAT GOD WOULD DO OR WHAT HE WANTS BUT THEN SOMETHING SURPRISES US. MAY OUR RESPONSE BE PRAISE. The apostles and the believers (in other words, Christians) throughout Judea heard that the Gentiles (sinners, unclean, outcasts) also had received the word…